Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011

Band "Ganes" (Italy)

Open Air Concert at "Schloß Kaltenberg"

We got two tickets for the Open Air Concert from Barbara, Andy and Katharina as a birthday present. 4 diff. bands from 3pm till 10.30 pm ! Long concert with lots of fun!

as you can see, the crowd was middle aged

Band "Haindling" (Bavaria)
one of our favorites

Band "Hubert von Goisern" (the top act) from Austria

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

Olympic Winter Games 2018

we are deeply disappointed and sad that we didn't get the games !!!!

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Voltigier championship with Barbara and Katharina

Today was a very important tournament and they did really well! Katharina is Nr. 2 on this photo!