Sonntag, 28. November 2010

still snowing

thats the view out of our living room window this morning !!!
Its continuing snowing in the last night!

Donnerstag, 25. November 2010

view out of our bedromm window this morning

we got the first little bit of snow !!!!

That is was Herbert was looking for

Thats the first plate of christmas biscuits! Its just one from each sort on the plate - 20 diff. sorts ! Today was candle light dinner and my turn. So Herbert got this plate for dessert.

Mittwoch, 24. November 2010


Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent and we can light the first candle. Barbara is excellent in handcraft and I get every year a home made advent bouquet from her. This is her new creation.

Thats my window decoration

I bought this "gnome with the long beard" in Norway!

Samstag, 20. November 2010

Katharina is helping a lot in our "Christmas Bakery"

That's the last day of making Christmas biscuits for this year and Katharina helped me with baking and decorating.

Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Yesterday I started making Christmas Biscuits

That is the result of the first 2 days and more are coming !

Sonntag, 7. November 2010

in the last few days I started with baking for Advent and Christmas

The first one was a "Stollen". That is a German Christmas Cake and it has to rest for a few weeks to age. I'm pretty sure, that Herbert can't wait more than a few days to get started. But there is enough - I made 6 of them!

Freitag, 5. November 2010

Daytrip to St. Johann

Yesterday was a beautiful warm autumn day, so Herbert and I decidet to do a trip in the mountains. Brummers had been skiing on a glacier a few days and on the way home, they met us und we did a bit of a mountain walk.

the car wasn't planned, but all had a wonderful smile

downhill walk